Bondi Slayer Series

Bondi is a world away from Sunnydale, but it has its very own vampire slayer: Riley Fox.

Bondi Slayer Poster Festivals.jpg

Pilot Synopsis

 Our story centres around Riley Fox – a tough, broken, sassy heroine who has been thrust into this world of vampire slaying, after her sister passed on the mantel. She is a mean fighting machine, and constantly battling it out with the local vamps. Riley is a relatable, flawed, three dimensional female action hero, struggling to balance slaying duties with her dysfunctional life in Bondi. She wants to fit in, but often pushes people away. At her very core, Riley believes if someone gets too close, they’ll die. It also doesn’t help that there’s a bounty on her head and she’s partial to vodka.

Season One Outline

 Riley's distracted with jealously when her ex shows up with a mystery woman. Turns out there’s a bounty on her head and the vamps are out to get her! Hungover and feeling sorry for herself, she attends an 80’s dance class that turns into a slay off.

This trouble maker gets suspended from active duty. Luckily, mentor Dan comes to the rescue and her Bondi post is reinstated. With Dan no longer putting up with her bullshit, Riley discovers feelings for her mentor.

Cassie, her childhood friend and former Home and Away soap star reveals a dark secret. A surprise attack takes place at the annual Slayers Dinner. Amidst the chaos, Dan and Riley share a kiss. Fingers crossed they don’t all die.